FMI: 620-381-0778
ELLIE MAE – 2022 GRADE Sorrel Draft Cross Mare
Ellie Mae is a big girl with lots of shape! She is also a very good girl that is friendly and eager to please. Ellie Mae will meet you at the gate to catch. She is always looking for snacks and scratches. Ellie Mae has been packing mineral and leading strings this winter. She has the typical draft disposition- slow and steady. She has some athletic ability but prefers to not have to use it. She is quite content to take life at a slow pace. Fantastic trail mount! Rides alone or in a group. Crosses whatever you come to. If the weather is warm, she will splash in the water. Easy all the way around. I bought her directly from her breeder. Sound, clean legged, no brands. Current including dental. 15.1. 1300# VIDEO: FMI: 620-381-0778. Coggins. MO321