FMI: 205-577-2971
KR EL DIABLO – 2019 GHR Chestnut Gelding x MV Artemis x Silver Fox out of SD Jasmine x Noby
Diablo was started by us and has been in training for 2 years he has seen a lot and been rode around a ranch since the beginning. He spins, side passes, lopes both ways well, does everything you ask of him. He has been shown in ranch riding events and done very good. He has roped slow/medium cattle both ends, taught colts to lead. He doesn’t mind pulling weight, he’s drug tires and sleds. Hasn’t been worked to a wagon but it wouldn’t take much to get him to. Has great ground manners lunges very well. Diablo has a great start to him and has his whole life ahead of him. VIDEO: FMI: 205-577-2971. Coggins. MO334