FMI: 620-381-0778
MATILDA – 2018 GRADE Black Molly Mule
Matilda is one handy, broke mule! She rides one-handed so you can get a job done on her. Matilda has spent time in the feed yard sorting and doctoring cattle. She works a gate like a pro. Matilda has led pack strings and she is the “go to” when it comes to leading the newbies. She stays calm and steady in every wreck you throw at her. Matilda is out of a gaited mare and has a huge over step that really covers the ground. She holds a saddle well and can be ridden in a britchen or a crupper. Hobbles and high lines. Matilda will take a nap while you shoe her- she is phenomenal with her feet. Matilda is easy to bridle if you unbuckle it. If you don’t mind that, she’s a solid mule everywhere else. Put her back to work or have a steady partner to hit the trails with. Pleasant to be around. Traffic safe. Current including dental in January. 15.hh. VIDEO: FMI: 620-381-0778. Coggins. MO324