VIDEO: Contact Seller
FMI: Clay 507-421-6671
RICKY – 2021 GRADE Black Draft Cross Gelding
Ricky is a Percheron/Quarter horse cross that stands 15 hands tall. Ricky was born and raised near the top of Laramie Peak from a program specifically raising good, solid, mountain built horses. Ricky has a great handle on him for a young horse, he lopes great circles, has a good stop and goes wherever you point. He has been behind a pile of black cattle in the big country, has sorted in the pens, and worked the tub and alley. Ricky also has a great start in the harness, he hooks both sides and pulls hard all day. This would be an exceptional pack, mountain horse or take him any other direction you choose. Half-brother to Oscar and Shark also in this sale. Good to bathe, clip, and shoe, and up to date on everything. VIDEO: Contact Seller. FMI: Clay 507-421-6671. Coggins. MO121