FMI: 307-250-0900


At 40″, Sweet Pea is just the sweetest little mule ever. EXTRA GENTLE – She is so kind, not at all your typical mule or pony. She has NO bad pony or mule habits. She loves people and attention especially kids. She will come find you anywhere and is super easy to catch. She has never offer to kick, bit, run off or do any of the bad habits that mules and ponies are known for. Our kids have played with her for the past year and she loves every bit of it. Sweet Pea is very patient and laid back with our 3 year old taking her over all the trail obstacles, if our daughter trips and falls when leading her, Sweet Pea just waits patiently for her to get up and they go again. She is great with her ears and feet, easy to saddle and bridle. She is excellent for that first beginner/lead line rider but she has been rode out independently by older kids. She has been trail rode and rode around the ranch moving cattle. She will go where she pointed, crosses water, ditches, downed timber and goes through the trail obstacles. Sweet Pea is great with the dogs, cats, alpacas, yacks, poultry, they don’t bother her and she doesn’t bother them. Sweet Pea gets along well in a mixed herd of ponies and horses, she is in the middle of the group, she doesn’t bother anyone but she doesn’t get picked on either. She is also happy in a pen by herself or in a box stall. She is easy to load, stands well for the vet and farrier. She is up to date on worming and vaccinations. PPEs welcome and we also welcome you to come to the ranch and meet Sweet Pea. VIDEO:  FMI: 307-250-0900. Coggins. MO23

  • Posted on: February 26, 2025