FMI: 307-272-6214

TANA – 2016 GRADE Paint Mare

14.2hh 1000lbs. Tana has seen and done just about everything. She’s been used on the ranch for jobs including, both head and heel and snag and drag branding, sorting, doctoring cattle in the feedlot and outside, gathering and trailing cattle, starting colts, and much more. She’s also been to the mountains where she’s lead pack strings in rough country and also been packed. She’s spend almost every hunting season of her life in camp. She’s hobble broke and sticks around camp. She’s packed in camp and packed out meat plenty of meat and horns. Tana is gentle enough for the whole family she’s quiet and kind and will go whatever speed you’d like. She’s not hot but has a big enough motor to last all day. Tana is good to catch, easy to shoe, and will load right in the trailer. VIDEO: FMI: 307-272-6214. Coggins. MO317

  • Posted on: March 7, 2025